Surviving the AI Tsunami

How to retain the value of your information...


I am not an AI catastrophist.

I do not lose sleep thinking of how AI will take over the world and lead to the extinction of the human race. I do believe that we should have some guardrails and protocols to be as safe as we can, but that is something I believe is required in many areas of research.

So, if I am not writing about a conspiracy theory this week, what am I writing about?

Today, I want to share what I foresee happening with AI, which may negatively impact your business, project or cause. I will explain why I think this is the case and how I believe AI will change the game of content marketing. And finally, I will show you what I will do to overcome this.

Now it is true that I have already written on AI a few weeks ago. Most of what I said still stands, but things are moving rapidly, and I need to do far more than I mentioned in that post.

As a reminder, I made a big deal of the statement:

“Realise that right now is the most valuable your ideas will ever be. Their value is being diluted with every day that passes. Use them NOW.”

I explained that your free information, any lead magnets or similar that you use, will lose value as a flood of free information is created by AI. A clock is ticking on its value, and you need to use it now to unlock that value while you still can.

Now, I feel that I was too conservative in my impact estimation.

The Tsunami is Building

The proliferation of AI options and tools flooding the market means everyone can access varying quality of AI written material. -That quality is improving week by week. This means that there is a growing flood of content right now.

Supply and demand tell us that the more content there is available, the lower the value of all content. Initially, I was concerned about the perceived value of free content.

But now, with the likes of Alex Hormozi, Tom Youngs and Max Perzon, who are all pushing the free line further by giving tremendous value for free. Their free courses would have sold for many hundreds or thousands of dollars a few years ago.

This trend will continue.

The Devaluing of Courses

More content creators will be offering high-quality courses as a free enticement to their community. This also devalues courses throughout the market. But while this will have some effect, I believe AI will more directly make a far greater impact.

While AI can be used to build a course rapidly, using AI to create a course can be more educational than the course output itself. This is not widely known right now, but as more people use AI for various reasons, the more obvious it will become.

I expect this to be a huge transformation in the learning & education industry.

A New Way of Learning

It has long been known that better ideas come from better questions. Great thinkers throughout the ages have credited their breakthroughs to asking better questions. And if you know anything about using ChatGPT and other text-based AI models, you know that finding the right prompts will determine the quality of your output.

Once again, the quality of your questions will determine the quality of your answers. So those who are using AI to create courses are refining their questions and, ultimately, their understanding of the topic through this process of prompt engineering.

It is only a short jump from here to engaging in a dialogue with AI, with the sole purpose of gaining an understanding of a topic. My friend Nat first turned me onto this as she had made it a practice around six months ago. I have not yet jumped into this as much as I want to. But I can see that this will become the norm.

As this becomes more common and AI improves, the online education we are used to will change significantly. Why would you risk money on a course that might not fit you when you can customise a course through a conversation with AI?

Surfing the Tsunami

So what is the answer?

In the longer term, I think there will still be some value in ‘selling’ the need to learn something, possibly including some of the prompts to start a dialogue on your favourite AI platform. But it is likely you will lose much of the control of where that dialogue will take them.

In the medium term, I suggest that you put content into the internet (that AI will read) using your own proprietary or named concepts and ideas so that you have claimed a stake in the thought leadership within your topic.

In the short term, I may have said a few weeks ago that people should use AI to help them make high-value courses now while there is still time. However, time has run out. I don’t recommend anyone spend time and energy creating a course right now.

Instead, I am going to focus on running intimate workshops.

Workshops aren’t just about ‘learning’ something. Instead, they are focused on ensuring participants walk away with something completed. As Mike Shreeve often says “If you want to show someone you can help them, then help them.” In a marketing context, Frank Kern calls this Results in Advance.

In a world awash with AI content, Done With You (DWY) will quickly be the lowest rung on the value ladder as Do It Yourself (DIY) falls away completely.
-It will even become a struggle to give away free DIY!


Now is the time to explore how to create DWY content in as scalable a format as possible.

Things will shift rapidly, and you want something you can leverage on short notice. This means thinking about what you can create now, or if you already have DWY content or services, work out if you can turn anything into marketing assets to really stand out.

The temptation in times of massive change is to either entrench what you know or jump from one new thing to the next. I suggest the best thing you can do is think it through, decide on one strategy, follow it through and adjust as needed. Resist jumping into every new thing that appears.

By all means, monitor them, check out what is new and what is changing, and look at what is working. But if it doesn’t align with your strategy, keep it on the observation list rather than the action list.
-For now.

I don’t have a crystal ball, so all I am sharing is my thinking. I will let you know how things work out with my DWY endeavours for better or for worse. That way, we can learn together.

The PostScript is a short breakdown of how and why I have structured the Feature Article the way I have to offer some insight into the process and techniques involved.

I wasn’t sure whether I should follow up with an AI post, given that I had written about this only four weeks ago. I don’t want it to appear as if I am jumping on the AI bandwagon because that is not the point and not what I am after.

However, things are changing quickly, and I have seen a lot over the past few weeks. I felt I was wrong four weeks ago. Or at least what I said four weeks ago would have been great advice four months ago!

So, I decided to go ahead with this post.

What am I going to do with the headline?

I decided to go sensationalist with the whole Surviving the AI Tsunami. To be honest, one of the main reasons I used that heading is that it is exactly how I feel. I do believe we are looking down the barrel of a tsunami of content, which will completely change the game of what is working right now.

Then, I wrote and rewrote this post several times.

Partly, I was trying to clarify my own thinking on this topic. But mostly, I was trying to find the balance between being an alarmist and offering actionable insight. I struggled to keep this as short and concise as possible. (My ongoing battle to avoid rambling!)

Like most writers, I don’t think this is ready. I think it could be improved. But in this case, particularly, time is of the essence, and I am already pushing my deadline.

So, I would love your feedback on whether I hit the mark or not, if there is anything that isn’t covered or properly explained, or what actually grabbed you. Just click the comment button above and leave a comment on the site.


Snippets is a section where I take some interesting text I have come across in the previous week and comment on it.

This week’s Snippet is a little different. I wanted to share an interview I did this week and find out if you are interested in attending a free Hook Creation Workshop.

I was interviewed on the marketing Rebels Podcast, which you can watch by clicking the image below or listen to on Spotify or your favourite podcast app.

As discussed in the feature article this week, I am looking to do a lot of workshops this year, and to dial it in initially, I will be offering some free workshops, starting with a Hook Creation Workshop, where you will not only learn how to craft an engaging hook, we will go through the process together, and you will leave the workshop with at least one hook you can deploy.

Podcast Directory

Also, if you are keen on being a guest on some podcasts, I recommend you pick up the 2024 Ultimate Directory of Podcasters. Just click on the image below.

The 2024 Ultimate Directory of Podcasters is a FREE directory that contains detailed contact information for 958 of The World's Leading Podcasters (including their email address!) who are always looking for guests.

This is for people who want to increase their influence and visibility to make a positive impact and scale their business! Including...
- Experts;
- Content Creators;
- Consultants;
- Coaches;

- Any entrepreneur wanting more visibility

AUTHER Workshop

And while I am at it, a shameless plug for an organisation, I hope to be working with over the next couple of years. Next Page Publishing helps entrepreneurs to write their non-fiction books.
They have an upcoming workshop focusing on women entrepreneurs, which will be great for the right people. You can check out the details by clicking the image below.

Please share this newsletter with someone you think is interested in communication.

Simply forward this email.

-Thanks for helping grow this community.

Unpacking Wisdom is a weekly section where I dive into a famous (or not so famous) quote and explore how this can apply to the Compelling Communicator.

While this quote is important in many aspects of life, I want to focus on how this quote applies to ‘authenticity’ when sharing your information with an audience.

We all tend to gravitate towards providing information in a way that impacts our reputation. We want to manipulate how people see us, and we use the information we share and how we share it to do that.

This isn’t wrong in and of itself. We all speak and take action in an attempt to build our reputation and credibility. It only becomes a problem if we go too far manipulating what and how we share information. If the person we portray has less in common with the person we actually are, we are no longer authentic.

So, my takeaway from the quote in this context is to make sure the message you share reflects who you are and who you want to be more than what you want others to think of you.

What I am up to this week…


The outreach campaign I undertook at the beginning of the year appears to be paying off, as I have sent a contract off to the US today, which should see me with some interesting work over the next two years.


Misty Flicks Organisation meeting to get my Film Competition project finally off the ground and into reality.

What I am reading:

Just finished the 21st book in the John Milton Series that I started reading in December. I really enjoyed it!

What I am watching:

Randomly I have started watching some ‘Sprouts’ videos on YouTube. Great little videos.


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